Watch Armed Robber Quickly Retreat When He is Met With an AR-15 (VIDEO)
This past Thursday a male and female armed couple broke into an Inkster, Michigan tax business.
Expecting money, the assailants were surprisingly met with a security guard who quickly retreated into to the back room of the office to grab his AR-15.
Realizing they were outgunned, the armed robbers retreated.
“The security guard that was inside returned fire, two shots at the suspect. Did not hit him. The suspects then fled the location,” Inkster, Mich. police Lt. Jeffrey Smith told WJBK.
“There was quite a few people inside the location. Very lucky that nobody was seriously injured. The security guard did suffer a wound to the upper leg area, but he’s going to be okay.”
Неудавшееся ограбление
Ничего себе выскочил, вот это ковбой!
Хорошо, что охранник вооружен карабином АР-15! :)
На наступний раз подумає, перш ніж нападати в охоронця, в країні де дозволені штурмові гвинтівки...
а ведь не будь на месте охранника с карабином и это нападание могло закончиться очередной бойней.
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