EU : You cannot stop terrorism by restricting legal gun ownership

| Legal & Law Issues, Abroad , Terrorism | Author: Web admin
Українською По-русски

EU : You cannot stop terrorism by restricting legal gun ownershipEU : You cannot stop terrorism by restricting legal gun ownership

In the light of past events in France, the EU is planning to restrict semiautomatic firearms and put more obstacles for owners of firearms. Needless to say how this could impact our battle for our rights in Ukraine. Therefore, we must sign and share it - EU citizens need our help in their fight for their rights!

Text of Petition:

On the morning of 7th January 2015 Terrorists attacked Charlie Hebdo, with fully automatic, unregistered and illegal firearms.

Since then the EU has been preparing new legislation to ban semi-automatic firearms in the hands of law abiding EU citizens. Despite the fact that these weapons were not used by terrorists and are not even typically used by criminals.

They use unregistred, untraceble black market full auto Kalashnikovs.

The new legislation has been on the back burner since April 2015, only to surface now on 18th of November, barely 5 days after a second attack in Paris.

The victims of this tragedy have not been buried yet, the criminals are still on the loose and the police has not even finished the investigation and yet the EU is announcing measures to prevent something like that from happening again.

Unfortunately nothing in the draft would have prevented these 2 attacks since neither were done with weapons that are now legal and would be banned with this new law. Nothing.

What you are proposing is like telling your own child it is grounded, because the neighbours child has been arrested for raping and killing a girl called Paris, twice.

It is not logical and above all it is extremely unfair.

It is unfair to the victims, it is unfair to the law abiding citizens.

Say NO to the draft proposal announced on 18 November 2015!
Do not restrict semi-automatic firearms "because they look like an automatic firearm".

We the Citizens demand that the EU brings focus on the real problems:

- That the external borders of the EU are not protected.
- Our population has groups in it that refuse to allign with our democratic core values and our culture.
- Illegal arms trade is rampant within the EU.
- Criminals and terrorists have easier access to illegal weapons then legal gun owners have access to legal arms.

That is the current situation and this new legislation does NOTHING to adress those problems.
The 18 November IP-15-6110 draft to amend 91/477/EEC is not only populistic in nature, it is also an insult to our civil liberties and to the intelligence of the EU citizens as a whole.

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Comments (16)

  • 19.11.2015 14:07
    - 0 +


  • 19.11.2015 14:20
    - 4 +

    Я щось не зрозумів - їх нищать а вони намагаються самі собі ще й руки за спиною зв'язати. Зовсім уже збожеволіли? Де логіка?

    • 19.11.2015 14:26
      - 2 +

      P.S. Петицію звичайно підписав, виключно з поваги до їх предків - воїнів які давали чортів любому загарбнику свого часу. Не те що ці "елої".

  • 19.11.2015 14:21
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  • 19.11.2015 14:30
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  • 19.11.2015 15:15
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  • 19.11.2015 15:28
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  • 19.11.2015 15:54
    - 3 +

    Админы того сайта посмотрят - 25 тыс украинцев подписало петицию, и офигеют :)

  • 19.11.2015 19:09
    - 0 +

    Пусть адекватные европейцы знают, что их поддерживают адекватные украинцы.

  • 19.11.2015 19:28
    - 0 +
    Підписав, тисніть лайки

  • 19.11.2015 19:29
    - 0 +

    Да ерунда все это, еще суток не прошло а уже почти 29 тысяч!!! подписей! Пройдет как миленькая, даже если все наши подписи отфильтровать - пройдет! Вот только, ИХМО, судьбинушка ПЕТИ ции, боюсь, приблизительно такая же как и ПЕТИНА.

  • 20.11.2015 13:35
    - 0 +


  • 22.11.2015 21:13
    - 0 +

    Подписываюсь! Где!!

  • 24.11.2015 17:33
    - 0 +

    Чехия и Финляндия категорически несогласны с петицией.
    С чего бы это?

    • 10.12.2015 00:53
      - 1 +

      draft - это черновик, проект. Имеется в виду проект закона против которого петиция. Так что Чехи и Фины на нашей стороне )))

      • 10.12.2015 22:47
        - 0 +

        Спасибо за объяснение! Сначала не понял, о каком проекте речь)

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