Letter of Support for UGOA from SAF
Alan Gottlieb
The UGOA is delighted to have received a personal letter of support from Alan Gottlieb, Founder of the US based Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) and Chairman of the Citizen's Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA).
Mr Gottlieb met with the Chairman of the UGOA, George Uchaykin during a one on one meeting earlier this year where they discussed and agreed upon a joint cooperation effort with regards to gun rights. One of the results of those discussions, is that UGOA representatives will be participating in the annual Gun Rights Policy Conference in Tampa Florida this September.
UGOA representatives will be discussing the legislative efforts of the UGOA, together with other activists from the US and overseas. In addition, the two organizations will begin to routinely exchange information, and the SAF will have its own profile on the UGOA site, in order to easily provide to our members and guests, gun rights news from the US.
The UGOA is proud to partner with the SAF and looks forward to a long and productive relationship that will benefit not only Ukrainian, but also US gun owners as well.
Letter from Second Amendment Foundation
Поздравляю с выходом на новый уровень!
Поддержка однодумцев лишней не будет никогда.
А с учетом того , что практически все шаги власть предержащие согласовывают с Госдепом я думаю , что усилия господина Готтлиба и кого нибудь из NRA , в поддержке нашего права на владение КНО лишними не будут .
Вітаю нових друзів!
Хороша ознака.
Well done!
God, bless the Second Amendment!
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