SHOT Show 2016: American Derringer

| Handguns, Women & Guns, Self-defense | Author: Web admin

American DerringerAmerican Derringer

At SHOT Show 2016 held in Las Vegas, Elizabeth Saunders, American Derringer President told representatives of Ukrainian Gun Owners Association about company's new models.

One of the most interesting model is a LM4 Simmerling – a small non-automatic .45 pistol with a 4-round magazine. The company has a line of two-shot pistols in all popular calibers as well.

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Military leaders lift ban on women in combat roles

| Military & Law Enforcement, Women & Guns | Author: Web admin

Women in the ArmyWomen in the Army

U.S. military leaders on Thursday formally lifted the ban on women serving in combat positions, with Defense Secretary Leon Panetta saying women have become an "integral part" of the military and have already demonstrated their willingness to fight during the wars of the last decade.

"It's clear to all of us that women are contributing in unprecedented ways to the military's mission of defending the nation," Panetta said.

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