Slide Fire’s concept Bump Sled

| Rifles , Gun Accessories | Author: Web admin

Bump SledBump Sled

Check out this interesting bump sled that the Slide Fire folks made as a concept.

They were getting feedback from SHOT Show attendees, and like good gunnies, they provided plenty of feedback.

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Bad Guys Can Carry Handcuffs Too

| Criminal Incedents, Gun Accessories | Author: Web admin

TIHK (Tiny Inconspicuous Handcuff Key)TIHK (Tiny Inconspicuous Handcuff Key)

There was a recent kerfuffle on the JTT Facebook Page regarding a picture that I posted of the TIHK (Tiny Inconspicuous Handcuff Key).

Some readers seemed to disapprove of its existence, its lawfulness, or maybe just its posting. There was some concern that it could pose a danger to law enforcement, a sentiment with which I wholeheartedly agree – which is part of why I post about such things…

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 285

Violent Little Machine Shop Jewelry: Gun bling with a masculine edge

| Gun Accessories | Author: Web admin

 Violent Little MachineViolent Little Machine

Those who are familiar with tactical rails and triggers will recognize these iconic symbols at once. Those who are ignorant of gun culture probably won’t. An anecdote: a few months ago I picked up a Magpul rail mounted sling attachment. It’s nothing more than a loop of steel that attaches to a rail.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 360 , Comments: 3

Review: Wheeler Engineering Professional Leveling Reticle System

| Technology, Gun Accessories | Author: Denis Zalesnov

Wheeler PRLSWheeler PRLS

For years we pretty much mounted our scopes the old fashioned way, setting our rifle between two sandbags to level it out, placing the scope in the rings and using our eye to “level” the horizontal bar of the reticle and then adjusting the vertical component until it was perpendicular to the axis of the rifle.

While it worked, it was time consuming and not always perfect. Since that time, several inexpensive reticle leveling systems have come on the market that work well for the average shooter who mounts only one or two scopes a year. However, for professionals who set up scopes for paying customers, a faster and more accurate system is required. Wheeler Engineering designed their Professional Reticle Leveling System with dealers and gunsmiths in mind (and folks like us who like neat time-saving tools).

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 232 , Comments: 2

The Advantage Tactical FNS/FNX Pistols

| Gun Accessories | Author: Web admin

 The Advantage Tactical FNS/FNX PistolsThe Advantage Tactical FNS/FNX Pistols

The Advantage Tactical Sight (ATS) was developed by WrenTech president, Richard Nasef, in response to the inadequate iron sight products he found in the marketplace.

Nasef, a practicing psychotherapist in New Mexico and California, as well as a firearms enthusiast, noticed shooters struggling with sight picture alignment and the resulting frustration at missed targets. Nasef recognized that the human brain quickly acclimates to a vertically aligned pyramid sight picture over the existing traditional sight pictures and the Advantage Tactical Sight was born.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 334

Telor Tactical Holsters

| Gun Accessories | Author: Web admin

 Telor Tactical HolsterTelor Tactical Holster

Telor Tactical is a small company that is taking an innovative approach to existing holster designs. The company currently offers an ankle holster, bodyband holster and a thigh holster that use some non-traditional materials to improve comfort and carry. 

Rating: 0, Type: Блоґ, Views: 172

GFG Drop-In Side Charger For AR-15

| Gun Accessories | Author: Web admin

GFG Drop-In Side Charger For AR-15GFG Drop-In Side Charger For AR-15

The GFG Side Charger is a replacement charging handle for the AR-15 that wraps around the receiver allowing it to be manipulated from the side of the receiver rather than the rear of the receiver. 

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 357 , Comments: 1

Strike Industries Japanese Type 89 Style Compensator

| Rifles , Gun Accessories | Author: Web admin

Strike Industries Japanese Type 89 Style CompensatorStrike Industries Japanese Type 89 Style Compensator

Strike Industries posted a photo on their Facebook page of a new compensator/flash hider they will soon be manufacturing. The design is a clone of Japan’s HOWA Type-89 assault rifle comp/hider.

I don’t know for sure, but I think they will probably make both an AR-15 and an AK compatible version.

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Six Shooter Shaving Collection

| Gun Accessories | Author: Web admin

Six Shooter ShavingSix Shooter Shaving

Wake up every morning and reach for your Six Shooter, before you head out for the day.

While Six Shooter Shaving Brushes don’t require a background check, the brush has the same shape as the cylinder from a revolver.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 211 , Comments: 1


| Surviving, Gun Accessories | Author: Web admin


Description: Introducing the Semi-Horned Oblong Versatile Eating Ladle, or as we like to call it, the S.H.O.V.E.L. This is not your run-of-the-mill spork (foon), ladies and gentlemen!

It also has a serrated knife, a bottle cap opener, and six feet of red paracord to wrap around its sturdy titanium body. Here's the best part: it's open-sourced. (No, we aren't joking.)

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 160

Chris Kyle Frog – A New Website and New Logo

| Military & Law Enforcement, Gun Accessories | Author: Web admin

Chris Kyle FrogChris Kyle Frog

For most of us, when we hear the name Chris Kyle we think of three things; SEAL Sniper, Punisher Logo and unfortunately, tragic loss.

I am told that before his death, he was working on a new logo that would be just about him, as the Punisher logo he had long used was now as much a part of Craft International as it was his.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 3171

SIG SB15 Brace

| Rifles , Gun Accessories | Author: Web admin

SB15 Pistol Stabilizing BraceSB15 Pistol Stabilizing Brace

The recently announced SIG SB15 brace is now a standard option on several of the company’s pistols. The new pistols include the P516 with the 7.5″ and 10″ barrels, the SIG P556 SWAT with a 10″ barrel and the P556 Classic.

The SB15 brace is a forearm brace that looks like a very short buttstock with adjustable straps that affix the unit to the shooter’s forearm. The idea is to provide greater control and stability when shooting one of these large pistols.

Rating: 2, Type: Блоґ, Views: 1461 , Comments: 1