Chiappa AK-22

| Rifles | Author: Web admin

Chiappa: AK-22 - semi-automatic rimfire carbineChiappa: AK-22 - semi-automatic rimfire carbine

The Italian arms industry has a solid history in military-style rimfire trainers; back in the early 1970s and onwards, the ADLER - Armi Jäger group manufactured rimfire clones of the AR-15, AKM, Galil and FA-MAS platforms, which were sold literally by the hundreds of thousands all around Europe and around the globe, with Mitchell Arms being a premier distributor in the United States.

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Remington Defense 2020 Digital Optic System

| Rifles , Technology, Gun Accessories | Author: Web admin

Remington Defense 2020 Digital Optic SystemRemington Defense 2020 Digital Optic System

Remington introduced the previously announced 2020 Digital Optic System, created in collaboration with TrackingPoint, the manufacturer of the XactSystem.

The Remington 2020 Digital Optic System is an integrated shooting system that includes a selection of hand-picked rifles, matched ammunition, digital optics and target-tracking technology.

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Slide Fire’s concept Bump Sled

| Rifles , Gun Accessories | Author: Web admin

Bump SledBump Sled

Check out this interesting bump sled that the Slide Fire folks made as a concept.

They were getting feedback from SHOT Show attendees, and like good gunnies, they provided plenty of feedback.

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Armalite, Original Makers of the AR-10 and AR-15 Rifles, Has Been Sold

| Rifles , Abroad , Military Weapons | Author: Web admin

Armalite Has Been SoldArmalite Has Been Sold

According to the following press release, Armalite, most well known for inventing the AR-15 platform, has been sold to Strategic Armory Corps.

SAC is most well known for their AWC brand of silencers and their Surgeon brand precision rifles. It will be interesting to see what SAC does with the iconic brand.

Rating: 2, Type: Блоґ, Views: 216

DRD Tactical U556 Take-Down Upper Kit Shipping Soon

| Rifles , Technology | Author: Web admin

DRD Tactical U556 Take-Down Upper Kit Shipping SoonDRD Tactical U556 Take-Down Upper Kit Shipping Soon

The DRD Tactical U556 Take-Down Upper Kit will be shipping soon from The U556 system allows the barrel/rail assembly to be quickly detached from the rifles upper receiver. It also allows quick barrel changes.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 248

Strike Industries Japanese Type 89 Style Compensator

| Rifles , Gun Accessories | Author: Web admin

Strike Industries Japanese Type 89 Style CompensatorStrike Industries Japanese Type 89 Style Compensator

Strike Industries posted a photo on their Facebook page of a new compensator/flash hider they will soon be manufacturing. The design is a clone of Japan’s HOWA Type-89 assault rifle comp/hider.

I don’t know for sure, but I think they will probably make both an AR-15 and an AK compatible version.

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AK-47 vs. AR-15

| Military Weapons, Rifles | Author: Web admin

AR-15 vs АК-47AR-15 vs АК-47

The AR-15 has become the best-selling rifle in the U.S., while the AK-47 is one of the most widely recognized assault rifles on Earth.

Both controversial weapons might be similar in appearances, but on closer observation, they are truly worlds apart.

Rating: 2, Type: Блоґ, Views: 354 , Comments: 6

SIG SB15 Brace

| Rifles , Gun Accessories | Author: Web admin

SB15 Pistol Stabilizing BraceSB15 Pistol Stabilizing Brace

The recently announced SIG SB15 brace is now a standard option on several of the company’s pistols. The new pistols include the P516 with the 7.5″ and 10″ barrels, the SIG P556 SWAT with a 10″ barrel and the P556 Classic.

The SB15 brace is a forearm brace that looks like a very short buttstock with adjustable straps that affix the unit to the shooter’s forearm. The idea is to provide greater control and stability when shooting one of these large pistols.

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SVD Dragunov: 50th Anniversary

| Rifles | Author: Web admin

Royal Moroccan Army Sgt. Gantumur, crouching, teaches U.S. Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Edgar how to fire the SVD sniper rifle at the Five Hills Training Center near Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, Aug. 1, 2007, during weapons familiarization training as part of Exercise Khaan Quest 2007. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Dustin T. Schalue/Released)Royal Moroccan Army Sgt. Gantumur, crouching, teaches U.S. Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Edgar how to fire the SVD sniper rifle at the Five Hills Training Center near Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, Aug. 1, 2007, during weapons familiarization training as part of Exercise Khaan Quest 2007. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Dustin T. Schalue/Released)

This year represents the 50th anniversary of the SVD Dragunov rifle. Introduced into the service of the Soviet Union army in 1963, this semi-automatic sniper rifle has proved itself a capable performer in the field.

Since 1964, the Dragunov has been made by Izhmash, a Russian arms and vehicle manufacturer. To commemorate the 50th anniversary, Izhmash announced the modernized SVD will be completed later this year.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 3797

Colorado Town Mulls Mandatory Sporting Rifle Ownership as Sheriffs Dig in Heels against Recently-Passed Gun Control

| Rifles , Abroad , Politics & Guns | Author: Olga Guseinova

Colorado Town Mulls Mandatory Sporting Rifle OwnershipColorado Town Mulls Mandatory Sporting Rifle Ownership

The Craig, Colorado city council is currently debating a bill that would require every household to own a “modern sporting rifle,” specifically any semi-automatic centerfire rifle that accepts detachable magazines. 

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 168 , Comments: 2

California School District Purchases AR-15s to Protect Students

| Self-defense, Rifles , Abroad | Author: Web admin

Colt LE6940Colt LE6940

In the wake of recent mass shootings, school districts around the country are stepping up security measures to protect their students, faculty and staff. Along those lines, some are arming their respective police departments with AR-15s – a decision that many see as being controversial.

The latest to take this step toward enhanced school safety is the Fontana Unified School District Police Department in Southern California, which – with the blessing of FUSD Superintendent Cali Olsen-Binks – purchased 14 Colt LE6940 rifles last fall following the movie theater shooting in Aurora, CO.

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What is the Difference Between .223 and 5.56 Rifle Cartridges and Chamberings?

| Rifles , Military Weapons | Author: Олексій Семенович

What is the Difference Between .223 and 5.56?What is the Difference Between .223 and 5.56?

Attempting to Clarify the Confusion between .223 Remington and 5.56 mm NATO Chambering.

There seems to be a tremendous amount of confusion about the differences and similarities between rifles chambered in 223 Remington versus 5.56 mm NATO and the ammunition they require. While they are very similar cartridges and ammo suppliers tend to market them as synonymous, there are profound differences when it comes to considerations about chambering precision and safety.

Here is a basic rundown between the two from somebody that has guns chambered in both, handloads for both, and shoots both (as well as the .223 Wylde chambering).

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 2528 , Comments: 6