SBU seized a stockpile of European-made guns

| Military & Law Enforcement, Illegal Guns | Author: Web admin

Seized gunsSeized guns

Security Service of Ukraine and police pulled the plug on a channel of illegal guns and ammo to Ukraine via postal service.

Kyiv man created multiple accounts in social media and gun forums, where he looked for potential customers.

These customers transferred money to his bank account, upon which the suspect sent them disassembled guns via express delivery service.

Rating: 2, Type: Блоґ, Views: 330 , Comments: 7

Ukrainian gun traffickers with an acquired taste of firearms

| Illegal Guns | Author: Web admin

Ukrainian gun traffickers with an acquired taste of firearmsUkrainian gun traffickers with an acquired taste of firearms

During the beginning of the year the SBU (The Security Service of Ukraine) managed to discover and stop channel smuggling of some very powerful illegal firearms.

The gun traffickers seems to have had an acquired taste in both firearms and optics. For sure, this is not the average gun bust.

I have discovered at least one brand new CZ EVO 3, several CZ VZ. 61 Scorpions, SSG 08 sniper rifle, FN FAL (cloned?) as well as Kalashnikov with Magpul furniture.

Rating: 2, Type: Блоґ, Views: 294 , Comments: 15