Address of the Head of UGOA to Gun Owners

| Military & Law Enforcement, Handguns Legalization , Legal & Law Issues | Author: Web admin

 Address of the Head of UGOA to Gun OwnersAddress of the Head of UGOA to Gun Owners

On Thursday, October 4th, based on fabricated allegations and court decision that do not withstand any criticism, the Prosecutor General's Office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs in tandem and at the request of their pocket monopolist, Ibis LLC, held an abusive attack on the leadership and members of the Ukrainian Gun Owners Association.

A number of searches took place on the basis of unlawful court decisions, in particular at the address of my registration.

Several superior case investigators of the Chief Investigative Department of the PGO, accompanied by dozens of armed KORD officers and investigators from the National Police’s Department of Economic Defense, participated in this disgraceful "special operation".

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 363 , Comments: 91

Kyiv hosted a “Firearm is your right. Defense is your obligation” conference

| Handguns Legalization , Legal & Law Issues, Learning | Author: Web admin

“Firearm is your right. Defense is your obligation” conference“Firearm is your right. Defense is your obligation” conference

January 26th premises of the Ukrainian House hosted a conference titled “Firearm is your right. Defense is your obligation”, devoted to the issue of legislative formulation of the peoples’s right to armed self-defense.

A conference, which was organized by the political party “National Corps” featuring Ukrainian Gun Owners Association, was attended by more than 200 participants.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 136 , Comments: 19

SAF Announces Working Relationship With Ukrainian Gun Owners' Assn.

| Handguns Legalization , Legal & Law Issues, Abroad | Author: Web admin

In the photo above from right to left  Alan Gottlieb and George Uchaykin at the SHOT show in Las VegasIn the photo above from right to left Alan Gottlieb and George Uchaykin at the SHOT show in Las Vegas

The Second Amendment Foundation today announced that it has started a new working relationship with the Ukrainian Gun Owners Association (GOA), a member organization of the International Association for the Protection of Civilian Arms Rights (IAPCAR), which SAF founder Alan Gottlieb played a key role in creating.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 121 , Comments: 3

President Poroshenko's response to an e-petition "To Formalize in Legislation the Right of Citizens of Ukraine to Self-Defence"

| Handguns Legalization , Politics & Guns, Legal & Law Issues | Author: Web admin

Administration of the President of UkraineAdministration of the President of Ukraine

 President of Ukraine's response
to an e-petition No. 22/000040-ep

Concerning formalization of a citizen of Ukraine's right to freely bear firearms and immediate adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On Civil Firearms and Ammunition" (Reg. № 1135-1 from February 5, 2015), posted on the website of an Official Internet Representation of the President of Ukraine on August 29 2015 by Georgiy Uchaykin, Chairman of Supervisory Board of Ukrainian Gun Owners Association.

Rating: 7, Type: Блоґ, Views: 204 , Comments: 39

The first Petition to be submitted for consideration by the President of Ukraine is the Gun Owners Petition

| Handguns Legalization , Legal & Law Issues | Author: Web admin

The first Petition to be submitted for consideration by the President of Ukraine is the Gun Owners PetitionThe first Petition to be submitted for consideration by the President of Ukraine is the Gun Owners Petition

September 3rd, 2015, a Petition by the gun owners gathered 25,000 votes. The Petition was registered on the President's website on August 29th. The minimum requirement that was necessary for its consideration was reached.

Rating: 6, Type: Блоґ, Views: 262 , Comments: 68

Live portrait – ‘Free People Have Guns’

| Handguns Legalization , Legal & Law Issues | Author: Web admin

Live portrait – ‘Free People Have Guns’Live portrait – ‘Free People Have Guns’

On September, 28 the Ukrainian Gun Owners Association together with photo artist Igor Gaidai created the first in Ukrainian history live portrait – ‘Free People Have Guns’ in Kiev.

This event was supported by thousands of Ukrainians, and hundreds of Ukrainians in civil casual wear but with guns in their arms showed their unity and resolution to stand for peace and for security of their families and their country.

Rating: 2, Type: Блоґ, Views: 365 , Comments: 26

Open Letter to the President of Ukraine on the Constitution Day

| Handguns Legalization , Legal & Law Issues | Author: Web admin

The Constitution of UkraineThe Constitution of Ukraine

Dear Mr. President!

The events of the latest months exposed lot of weak points of the Ukrainian security system, moreover the catastrophe situation in some directions. In particular, we can state today that the government has lost the control over the guns circulation among population. It is obvious that things are going to get worth and this process entails threat for citizens’ security and peace in the country in the future.

Rating: 2, Type: Блоґ, Views: 141 , Comments: 87