Iver Johnson 1911A1 Carbine

| Technology, Handguns | Author: Web admin

 1911A1 Carbine1911A1 Carbine

The Iver Johnson 1911A1 Carbine is a new rifle that appears to mate a 1911 pistol to a AR-style rifle.

It is chambered for the .45 ACP cartridge and looks like it retains all of the normal 1911 controls, grip safety and more.

Rating: 2, Type: Блоґ, Views: 1778

US government orders removal of Defcad 3D-gun designs

| Politics & Guns, Technology | Author: Web admin

Liberator Liberator

The US government has demanded designs for a 3D-printed gun be taken offline. The order to remove the blueprints for the plastic gun comes after they were downloaded more than 100,000 times.

The US State Department wrote to the gun's designer, Defense Distributed, suggesting publishing them online may breach arms-control regulations.

Rating: 2, Type: Блоґ, Views: 173 , Comments: 2

Radetec AmmoControl Digital Counter And Led Advisor

| Technology | Author: Web admin

Digital Counter Digital Counter

Another futuristic technology on display at SHOT Show was the Radetec AmmoControl Digital Counter and AmmoControl Led Advisor.

The AmmoControl is a grip that can keep track of how many rounds are left a magazine and how many rounds have been fired over the lifetime of the weapon.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 1293 , Comments: 2

KRISS Arms Vector CRB "Enhanced"

| Handguns, Technology | Author: Web admin

SBR EnhancedSBR Enhanced

The mainstay product of the Swiss-based KRISS International Arms Group is the "Vector" sub-machinegun, originally developed by the earlier incarnation of the company (Gamma Recherches, S.A.) along with US-based TDI - Transformational Defense Industries, Inc. − which is now the US-based KRISS Arms Group branch.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 1005 , Comments: 1

Taurus 85 View

| Handguns, Technology, Self-defense | Author: Web admin

Taurus 85 ViewTaurus 85 View

Forjas Taurus, the famous Brazilian gunmaking company, will start in 2014 the marketing of the Taurus 85 View compact double-action-only revolver.

The Taurus 85 View revolver sports a .38 Special chambering, with a five-shots titanium cylinder, an aluminium frame, and a titanium barrel.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 745 , Comments: 3

The Lapua Service Center: Test Ammo in Your Firearm

| Ammo, Technology | Author: Web admin

 The Lapua Service Center: Test Ammo in Your FirearmThe Lapua Service Center: Test Ammo in Your Firearm

The Lapua Service Center: Test Ammo in Your Firearm Lapua now operates a testing facility that allows shooters to test the company’s rimfire rounds under highly controlled conditions.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 449 , Comments: 1

New from Winchester: Win 1911 FP pistol ammunition

| Ammo, Technology | Author: Web admin

Winchester WIN-1911Winchester WIN-1911

The new Winchester pistol ammunition Win 1911 line is tuned to offer the best performances in 1911 style pistols both for training or personal defence.

Available with two bullet profiles: flat nose full metal jacket (FMJ) or jacketed hollow point (JHP).

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 430

Remington Defense 2020 Digital Optic System

| Rifles , Technology, Gun Accessories | Author: Web admin

Remington Defense 2020 Digital Optic SystemRemington Defense 2020 Digital Optic System

Remington introduced the previously announced 2020 Digital Optic System, created in collaboration with TrackingPoint, the manufacturer of the XactSystem.

The Remington 2020 Digital Optic System is an integrated shooting system that includes a selection of hand-picked rifles, matched ammunition, digital optics and target-tracking technology.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 325 , Comments: 4

Ddupleks Kaviar

| Ammo, Technology | Author: Web admin

Ddupleks KaviarDdupleks Kaviar

Frangible design of the Kaviar 26L slug makes this 400 grs.

load perfect to practice with bullet traps and steel targets as it avoids any ricochet.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 272 , Comments: 1

DRD Tactical U556 Take-Down Upper Kit Shipping Soon

| Rifles , Technology | Author: Web admin

DRD Tactical U556 Take-Down Upper Kit Shipping SoonDRD Tactical U556 Take-Down Upper Kit Shipping Soon

The DRD Tactical U556 Take-Down Upper Kit will be shipping soon from Brownells.com. The U556 system allows the barrel/rail assembly to be quickly detached from the rifles upper receiver. It also allows quick barrel changes.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 248

Review: Wheeler Engineering Professional Leveling Reticle System

| Technology, Gun Accessories | Author: Denis Zalesnov

Wheeler PRLSWheeler PRLS

For years we pretty much mounted our scopes the old fashioned way, setting our rifle between two sandbags to level it out, placing the scope in the rings and using our eye to “level” the horizontal bar of the reticle and then adjusting the vertical component until it was perpendicular to the axis of the rifle.

While it worked, it was time consuming and not always perfect. Since that time, several inexpensive reticle leveling systems have come on the market that work well for the average shooter who mounts only one or two scopes a year. However, for professionals who set up scopes for paying customers, a faster and more accurate system is required. Wheeler Engineering designed their Professional Reticle Leveling System with dealers and gunsmiths in mind (and folks like us who like neat time-saving tools).

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 232 , Comments: 2

CCI Suppressor 22

| Ammo, Technology | Author: Web admin

CCI Suppressor 22 CCI Suppressor 22

This specialized .22 Long Rifle load is dedicated to silenced or suppressed weapons and produces a subsonic velocity of 970 fps that increase noise reduction, yet the hollow-point bullet design expands reliably for excellent terminal performance.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 229 , Comments: 4