Address of the Head of UGOA to Gun Owners

| Military & Law Enforcement, Handguns Legalization , Legal & Law Issues | Author: Web admin

 Address of the Head of UGOA to Gun OwnersAddress of the Head of UGOA to Gun Owners

On Thursday, October 4th, based on fabricated allegations and court decision that do not withstand any criticism, the Prosecutor General's Office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs in tandem and at the request of their pocket monopolist, Ibis LLC, held an abusive attack on the leadership and members of the Ukrainian Gun Owners Association.

A number of searches took place on the basis of unlawful court decisions, in particular at the address of my registration.

Several superior case investigators of the Chief Investigative Department of the PGO, accompanied by dozens of armed KORD officers and investigators from the National Police’s Department of Economic Defense, participated in this disgraceful "special operation".

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 365 , Comments: 91

Civil Guard of the Сountry

| Military & Law Enforcement, Self-defense, Learning | Author: Святослав Стеценко

Responsible citizens are ready to defend the countryResponsible citizens are ready to defend the country

In 2014, Ukrainian people rebelled against corrupted government of Russian puppet «president» Victor Yanukovich after his denial of pro-european course and new, pro-Russian course, that would led to loosing of Ukraine's sovereignty and independence.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 227 , Comments: 35

SBU seized a stockpile of European-made guns

| Military & Law Enforcement, Illegal Guns | Author: Web admin

Seized gunsSeized guns

Security Service of Ukraine and police pulled the plug on a channel of illegal guns and ammo to Ukraine via postal service.

Kyiv man created multiple accounts in social media and gun forums, where he looked for potential customers.

These customers transferred money to his bank account, upon which the suspect sent them disassembled guns via express delivery service.

Rating: 2, Type: Блоґ, Views: 330 , Comments: 7

Chris Kyle Frog – A New Website and New Logo

| Military & Law Enforcement, Gun Accessories | Author: Web admin

Chris Kyle FrogChris Kyle Frog

For most of us, when we hear the name Chris Kyle we think of three things; SEAL Sniper, Punisher Logo and unfortunately, tragic loss.

I am told that before his death, he was working on a new logo that would be just about him, as the Punisher logo he had long used was now as much a part of Craft International as it was his.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 3170

Shocking moment 'road rage' driver is fatally injured by Chinese police who attacked him with wooden poles for 'resisting arrest'

| Military & Law Enforcement, Melee & Ranged Cold Weapons, Criminal Incedents | Author: Web admin

Police were called as the unidentified motorist reportedly stabbed another driver after a minor traffic altercation. Officers allegedly attacked him with poles after he locked himself inside his carPolice were called as the unidentified motorist reportedly stabbed another driver after a minor traffic altercation. Officers allegedly attacked him with poles after he locked himself inside his car

A 'road rage' driver has been fatally injured after he was attacked by Chinese police with poles for resisting arrest, it has been claimed.

Police were called as the unidentified motorist reportedly stabbed another driver after a minor traffic altercation. It has been claimed he also stabbed two passengers who ran to the driver's aid during the incident, in China.

Two of the victims have since died and one of them is fighting for his life. A motorist who witnessed what had happened called police. When they arrived the knife wielding man locked himself in his car and refused to come out.

Rating: 2, Type: Блоґ, Views: 564 , Comments: 3

California police train with airsoft guns amid shortage

| Military & Law Enforcement, Страйкбол, Learning | Author: Olga Guseinova

Police trainingPolice training

A nationwide ammunition shortage has prompted many California police departments to find alternatives to using live firearms in training exercises, CBS San Francisco reports.

“Everybody is fighting for what is seems like a shrinking amount of ammunition out there,” said Lt. Louie Tirona, a firearms and tactics instructor for the Richmond Police Department who came up with the idea to use professional-grade airsoft guns in training drills.

Rating: 2, Type: Блоґ, Views: 208 , Comments: 2

Watch Armed Robber Quickly Retreat When He is Met With an AR-15 (VIDEO)

| Military & Law Enforcement, Abroad , Criminal Incedents | Author: Web admin


This past Thursday a male and female armed couple broke into an Inkster, Michigan tax business.

Expecting money, the assailants were surprisingly met with a security guard who quickly retreated into to the back room of the office to grab his AR-15.

Realizing they were outgunned, the armed robbers retreated.

Rating: 0, Type: Блоґ, Views: 220 , Comments: 4

Alabama hostage: 5-year-old boy "happy to be home," says family member

| Military & Law Enforcement, Abroad , Criminal Incedents | Author: Web admin

For six anguished days, people in this small Alabama town asked just one question about the 5-year-old boy being held hostage in an underground bunker by a menacing, unpredictable neighbor: "Is he free yet?"

After FBI agents determined that talks with an increasingly agitated Jimmy Lee Dykes were breaking down, they stormed the closet-sized hideout Monday afternoon and freed the kindergartner. The 65-year-old armed captor was killed by law enforcement agents, authorities said.

Rating: 0, Type: Блоґ, Views: 504 , Comments: 2

Military leaders lift ban on women in combat roles

| Military & Law Enforcement, Women & Guns | Author: Web admin

Women in the ArmyWomen in the Army

U.S. military leaders on Thursday formally lifted the ban on women serving in combat positions, with Defense Secretary Leon Panetta saying women have become an "integral part" of the military and have already demonstrated their willingness to fight during the wars of the last decade.

"It's clear to all of us that women are contributing in unprecedented ways to the military's mission of defending the nation," Panetta said.

Rating: 0, Type: Блоґ, Views: 285

Lessons Learned In Combat

| Military & Law Enforcement, Learning | Author: Web admin


I originally wrote and posted this in the AAR for my recent carbine course on the Alumni Forum. It has since been published in the March 2010 issue of SWAT Magazine.

Feel free to cross-post or share it where and how you see fit, as I want it to have as much of an impact as possible and drive several key points home on those who go in harms way, both on foreign soil (military and PMCs) and here at home (LEOs and civilian sheepdogs).

Combat vets and PMCs, as well as police officers and civilians who've been in a gunfight, also feel free to post your own lessons learned in combat.

Rating: 2, Type: Блоґ, Views: 249 , Comments: 6