Lessons Learned In Combat

| Military & Law Enforcement, Learning | Author: Web admin


I originally wrote and posted this in the AAR for my recent carbine course on the Alumni Forum. It has since been published in the March 2010 issue of SWAT Magazine.

Feel free to cross-post or share it where and how you see fit, as I want it to have as much of an impact as possible and drive several key points home on those who go in harms way, both on foreign soil (military and PMCs) and here at home (LEOs and civilian sheepdogs).

Combat vets and PMCs, as well as police officers and civilians who've been in a gunfight, also feel free to post your own lessons learned in combat.

Rating: 2, Type: Блоґ, Views: 249 , Comments: 6

Armalite, Original Makers of the AR-10 and AR-15 Rifles, Has Been Sold

| Rifles , Abroad , Military Weapons | Author: Web admin

Armalite Has Been SoldArmalite Has Been Sold

According to the following press release, Armalite, most well known for inventing the AR-15 platform, has been sold to Strategic Armory Corps.

SAC is most well known for their AWC brand of silencers and their Surgeon brand precision rifles. It will be interesting to see what SAC does with the iconic brand.

Rating: 2, Type: Блоґ, Views: 216

California police train with airsoft guns amid shortage

| Military & Law Enforcement, Страйкбол, Learning | Author: Olga Guseinova

Police trainingPolice training

A nationwide ammunition shortage has prompted many California police departments to find alternatives to using live firearms in training exercises, CBS San Francisco reports.

“Everybody is fighting for what is seems like a shrinking amount of ammunition out there,” said Lt. Louie Tirona, a firearms and tactics instructor for the Richmond Police Department who came up with the idea to use professional-grade airsoft guns in training drills.

Rating: 2, Type: Блоґ, Views: 208 , Comments: 2

US government orders removal of Defcad 3D-gun designs

| Politics & Guns, Technology | Author: Web admin

Liberator Liberator

The US government has demanded designs for a 3D-printed gun be taken offline. The order to remove the blueprints for the plastic gun comes after they were downloaded more than 100,000 times.

The US State Department wrote to the gun's designer, Defense Distributed, suggesting publishing them online may breach arms-control regulations.

Rating: 2, Type: Блоґ, Views: 173 , Comments: 2

Open Letter to the President of Ukraine on the Constitution Day

| Handguns Legalization , Legal & Law Issues | Author: Web admin

The Constitution of UkraineThe Constitution of Ukraine

Dear Mr. President!

The events of the latest months exposed lot of weak points of the Ukrainian security system, moreover the catastrophe situation in some directions. In particular, we can state today that the government has lost the control over the guns circulation among population. It is obvious that things are going to get worth and this process entails threat for citizens’ security and peace in the country in the future.

Rating: 2, Type: Блоґ, Views: 141 , Comments: 87

SVD Dragunov: 50th Anniversary

| Rifles | Author: Web admin

Royal Moroccan Army Sgt. Gantumur, crouching, teaches U.S. Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Edgar how to fire the SVD sniper rifle at the Five Hills Training Center near Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, Aug. 1, 2007, during weapons familiarization training as part of Exercise Khaan Quest 2007. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Dustin T. Schalue/Released)Royal Moroccan Army Sgt. Gantumur, crouching, teaches U.S. Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Edgar how to fire the SVD sniper rifle at the Five Hills Training Center near Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, Aug. 1, 2007, during weapons familiarization training as part of Exercise Khaan Quest 2007. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Dustin T. Schalue/Released)

This year represents the 50th anniversary of the SVD Dragunov rifle. Introduced into the service of the Soviet Union army in 1963, this semi-automatic sniper rifle has proved itself a capable performer in the field.

Since 1964, the Dragunov has been made by Izhmash, a Russian arms and vehicle manufacturer. To commemorate the 50th anniversary, Izhmash announced the modernized SVD will be completed later this year.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 3795

Chris Kyle Frog – A New Website and New Logo

| Military & Law Enforcement, Gun Accessories | Author: Web admin

Chris Kyle FrogChris Kyle Frog

For most of us, when we hear the name Chris Kyle we think of three things; SEAL Sniper, Punisher Logo and unfortunately, tragic loss.

I am told that before his death, he was working on a new logo that would be just about him, as the Punisher logo he had long used was now as much a part of Craft International as it was his.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 3170

What is the Difference Between .223 and 5.56 Rifle Cartridges and Chamberings?

| Rifles , Military Weapons | Author: Олексій Семенович

What is the Difference Between .223 and 5.56?What is the Difference Between .223 and 5.56?

Attempting to Clarify the Confusion between .223 Remington and 5.56 mm NATO Chambering.

There seems to be a tremendous amount of confusion about the differences and similarities between rifles chambered in 223 Remington versus 5.56 mm NATO and the ammunition they require. While they are very similar cartridges and ammo suppliers tend to market them as synonymous, there are profound differences when it comes to considerations about chambering precision and safety.

Here is a basic rundown between the two from somebody that has guns chambered in both, handloads for both, and shoots both (as well as the .223 Wylde chambering).

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 2523 , Comments: 6

The world's biggest custom working revolver

| Unusual and Specific Purpose Guns | Author: Web admin

The world's biggest custom working revolver weighs a mere ninetynine pounds has a length of four feet two inches and stands approx one foot four inches from the butt to the top of the hammer.
Below is an image of the revolvers maker Mr. Ryszard Tobys with his super big creation.

 Ryszard TobysRyszard Tobys

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 2288 , Comments: 3

Handy folding combination gun

| Shotguns, Rifles , Surviving | Author: Web admin

Chiappa Firearms' X-Caliber combination gunChiappa Firearms' X-Caliber combination gun

After the rimfire "Little Badger" folding carbine, first showcased in 2013, the Italian-based Chiappa Firearms group launched another survival carbine with an extremely interesting, versatile and original model, first showcased in January at the SHOT Show and now introduced on the European market at the 2014 IWA & OutdoorClassics.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 2149 , Comments: 7

Mossberg 715P Duck Commander

| Handguns | Author: Web admin

Mossberg 715P Duck CommanderMossberg 715P Duck Commander

Introduced by Mossberg at the 2014 SHOT Show as one of the products developed as part of the Duck Commander series, this fun .22 Long Rifle, AR-15 based pistol is lightweight, easy to shoot, and perfect for small game, plinking, target shooting – or clearing cottonmouths out of your duck blind.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 1825

Smith & Wesson Performance Center 686

| Handguns | Author: Web admin

Smith & Wesson Performance Center 686Smith & Wesson Performance Center 686

The .357 Magnum caliber was born at Smith & Wesson's in the 1930s, and its fate has been intertwined to the Smith & Wesson firearms ever since.

Despite having been used by so many legendary revolvers released during the years by other competitors (eg. the Colt Python), no other revolver has been more quintessential as a .357 Magnum than the Smith & Wesson Model 686.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 1530 , Comments: 7