Iver Johnson 1911A1 Carbine

| Technology, Handguns | Author: Web admin

 1911A1 Carbine1911A1 Carbine

The Iver Johnson 1911A1 Carbine is a new rifle that appears to mate a 1911 pistol to a AR-style rifle.

It is chambered for the .45 ACP cartridge and looks like it retains all of the normal 1911 controls, grip safety and more.

Rating: 2, Type: Блоґ, Views: 1776

Israel Weapon Industries IWI introduces new its NG7 NEGEV Light Machine Gun 7.62mm caliber

| Military Weapons | Author: Web admin

 The New Israeli Weapon Industries (IWI) NEGEV NG7 7.62mm caliber LMG Light Machine Gun with semi-automatic mode.The New Israeli Weapon Industries (IWI) NEGEV NG7 7.62mm caliber LMG Light Machine Gun with semi-automatic mode.

Israel Weapon Industries (IWI) – a leader in the production of combat-proven small arms for governments, armies, and law enforcement agencies around the world – launches its new Light Machine Gun (LMG) – the NEGEV NG7 – at DefExpo India 2012 (New Delhi, March 29-April 1) , Israel Pavilion, Stand 11.10-L and FIDAE International Air & Space Fair (Santiago, Chile, March 27-April 1) Israel Pavilion, Hall D, Stand 1a.

Rating: 2, Type: Блоґ, Views: 1462

SIG SB15 Brace

| Rifles , Gun Accessories | Author: Web admin

SB15 Pistol Stabilizing BraceSB15 Pistol Stabilizing Brace

The recently announced SIG SB15 brace is now a standard option on several of the company’s pistols. The new pistols include the P516 with the 7.5″ and 10″ barrels, the SIG P556 SWAT with a 10″ barrel and the P556 Classic.

The SB15 brace is a forearm brace that looks like a very short buttstock with adjustable straps that affix the unit to the shooter’s forearm. The idea is to provide greater control and stability when shooting one of these large pistols.

Rating: 2, Type: Блоґ, Views: 1461 , Comments: 1

Shocking moment 'road rage' driver is fatally injured by Chinese police who attacked him with wooden poles for 'resisting arrest'

| Military & Law Enforcement, Melee & Ranged Cold Weapons, Criminal Incedents | Author: Web admin

Police were called as the unidentified motorist reportedly stabbed another driver after a minor traffic altercation. Officers allegedly attacked him with poles after he locked himself inside his carPolice were called as the unidentified motorist reportedly stabbed another driver after a minor traffic altercation. Officers allegedly attacked him with poles after he locked himself inside his car

A 'road rage' driver has been fatally injured after he was attacked by Chinese police with poles for resisting arrest, it has been claimed.

Police were called as the unidentified motorist reportedly stabbed another driver after a minor traffic altercation. It has been claimed he also stabbed two passengers who ran to the driver's aid during the incident, in China.

Two of the victims have since died and one of them is fighting for his life. A motorist who witnessed what had happened called police. When they arrived the knife wielding man locked himself in his car and refused to come out.

Rating: 2, Type: Блоґ, Views: 564 , Comments: 3

Live portrait – ‘Free People Have Guns’

| Handguns Legalization , Legal & Law Issues | Author: Web admin

Live portrait – ‘Free People Have Guns’Live portrait – ‘Free People Have Guns’

On September, 28 the Ukrainian Gun Owners Association together with photo artist Igor Gaidai created the first in Ukrainian history live portrait – ‘Free People Have Guns’ in Kiev.

This event was supported by thousands of Ukrainians, and hundreds of Ukrainians in civil casual wear but with guns in their arms showed their unity and resolution to stand for peace and for security of their families and their country.

Rating: 2, Type: Блоґ, Views: 365 , Comments: 26

AK-47 vs. AR-15

| Military Weapons, Rifles | Author: Web admin

AR-15 vs АК-47AR-15 vs АК-47

The AR-15 has become the best-selling rifle in the U.S., while the AK-47 is one of the most widely recognized assault rifles on Earth.

Both controversial weapons might be similar in appearances, but on closer observation, they are truly worlds apart.

Rating: 2, Type: Блоґ, Views: 354 , Comments: 6

SBU seized a stockpile of European-made guns

| Military & Law Enforcement, Illegal Guns | Author: Web admin

Seized gunsSeized guns

Security Service of Ukraine and police pulled the plug on a channel of illegal guns and ammo to Ukraine via postal service.

Kyiv man created multiple accounts in social media and gun forums, where he looked for potential customers.

These customers transferred money to his bank account, upon which the suspect sent them disassembled guns via express delivery service.

Rating: 2, Type: Блоґ, Views: 330 , Comments: 7

Ukrainian gun traffickers with an acquired taste of firearms

| Illegal Guns | Author: Web admin

Ukrainian gun traffickers with an acquired taste of firearmsUkrainian gun traffickers with an acquired taste of firearms

During the beginning of the year the SBU (The Security Service of Ukraine) managed to discover and stop channel smuggling of some very powerful illegal firearms.

The gun traffickers seems to have had an acquired taste in both firearms and optics. For sure, this is not the average gun bust.

I have discovered at least one brand new CZ EVO 3, several CZ VZ. 61 Scorpions, SSG 08 sniper rifle, FN FAL (cloned?) as well as Kalashnikov with Magpul furniture.

Rating: 2, Type: Блоґ, Views: 293 , Comments: 15

Introducing the 9Tactical model S waist holster for concealed carry.

| Gun Accessories | Author: Станислав Янченко

9TACTICAL Black Casual Bag S 9TACTICAL Black Casual Bag S

This unique tactical concealed holster has been designed through rigorous testing with law enforcement and military personnel for discreet or undercover assignments. The modern and civilian look of the concealed holster disguises an innovative quick draw system for effortless and discreet weapon deployment.

Rating: 2, Type: Блоґ, Views: 250 , Comments: 18