Address of the Head of UGOA to Gun Owners

| Military & Law Enforcement, Handguns Legalization , Legal & Law Issues | Author: Web admin

 Address of the Head of UGOA to Gun OwnersAddress of the Head of UGOA to Gun Owners

On Thursday, October 4th, based on fabricated allegations and court decision that do not withstand any criticism, the Prosecutor General's Office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs in tandem and at the request of their pocket monopolist, Ibis LLC, held an abusive attack on the leadership and members of the Ukrainian Gun Owners Association.

A number of searches took place on the basis of unlawful court decisions, in particular at the address of my registration.

Several superior case investigators of the Chief Investigative Department of the PGO, accompanied by dozens of armed KORD officers and investigators from the National Police’s Department of Economic Defense, participated in this disgraceful "special operation".

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 367 , Comments: 91

Southwest National Long Range Shooting Competition

| Rifles , Competitions | Author: Web admin

Southwest National Long Range Shooting CompetitionSouthwest National Long Range Shooting Competition

This past weekend, UGOA visited the Southwest National Long Range Shooting Competition held at the Ben Avery Shooting range in Arizona.

The competition was held February 5-11 and involved Palma and F-Class long range rifle shooting at 600, 800, 900 and 1000 yards.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 315 , Comments: 5

Civil Guard of the Сountry

| Military & Law Enforcement, Self-defense, Learning | Author: Святослав Стеценко

Responsible citizens are ready to defend the countryResponsible citizens are ready to defend the country

In 2014, Ukrainian people rebelled against corrupted government of Russian puppet «president» Victor Yanukovich after his denial of pro-european course and new, pro-Russian course, that would led to loosing of Ukraine's sovereignty and independence.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 227 , Comments: 35

In a case of UGOA versus Ministry of Internal Affairs, Court rules in favor UGOA

| Legal & Law Issues, Handguns | Author: Web admin

Court ruled in favor of UGOA in a case versus Ministry of Internal AffairsCourt ruled in favor of UGOA in a case versus Ministry of Internal Affairs

Last September Zoryan Shkiryak, Advisor to the Minister of Internal Affairs expressed his opinion on legislative adjustment of weapons turnover in Ukraine: “it’s not a good time”, he said.

When reporters asked him about a gun on his hip, Mr. Shirkyak said that “it’s an "award weapon", which he carries openly in all places, where he feels his life is in danger”.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 266 , Comments: 12

SHOT Show 2016: Large caliber guns from Freedom Arms

| Handguns | Author: Web admin

Large caliber revolver from Freedom ArmsLarge caliber revolver from Freedom Arms

Large caliber guns from Freedom Arms At SHOT Show 2016 held in Las Vegas, Robert “Bob” Baker, Freedom Arms President told representatives of Ukrainian Gun Owners Association about some large caliber guns manufactured by his company.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 497 , Comments: 4

SHOT Show 2016: X95 from IWI US, Inc.

| Rifles | Author: Web admin

IWI X95 BullpupIWI X95 Bullpup

At SHOT Show 2016 held in Las Vegas, Rebecca McCoy, IWI US, Inc. Commercial Sales Representative told representatives of Ukrainian Gun Owners Association about an upgraded bullpup X95 model.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 1055 , Comments: 2