Bulletproof Vest Velcro by "Ukrainian armor": Truth Or Fake?

| Ammo, Gun Accessories | Author: Web admin

Bulletproof Vest Velcro by Bulletproof Vest Velcro by "Ukrainian armor": Truth Or Fake?

Recently, an interesting video appeared in the Internet. It is about testing a body armor that was made in Ukraine.

A man, wearing a bullet-proof vest, shoots himself in a stomach. Not only he remains unharmed, but he also does not even bend. This demonstration provoked a contradictory reaction.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 291 , Comments: 13

SHOT Show 2016: Silencerco, LLC

| Gun Accessories | Author: Web admin

Maxim 9 Silencerco, LLCMaxim 9 Silencerco, LLC

At SHOT Show 2016 held in Las Vegas, Darren Jones, Media Relations and Sales Silencerco, LLC told representatives of Ukrainian Gun Owners Association about a new internally suppressed pistol Maxim 9 and a new silencer Omega 9K.

Rating: 7, Type: Блоґ, Views: 1029 , Comments: 1

Introducing the 9Tactical model S waist holster for concealed carry.

| Gun Accessories | Author: Станислав Янченко

9TACTICAL Black Casual Bag S 9TACTICAL Black Casual Bag S

This unique tactical concealed holster has been designed through rigorous testing with law enforcement and military personnel for discreet or undercover assignments. The modern and civilian look of the concealed holster disguises an innovative quick draw system for effortless and discreet weapon deployment.

Rating: 2, Type: Блоґ, Views: 251 , Comments: 18

How to buy the best concealed carry bag

| Handguns, Gun Accessories | Author: Станислав Янченко

Сумка для скрытого ношения оружия «9TACTICAL».Сумка для скрытого ношения оружия «9TACTICAL».

On the market there is a great amount of bags dedicated to the concealed carry of small firearms , but the problem with choosing one with a fast draw time still remains. Most of these bags fulfill their dedicated function of hiding firearms, primarily for transporting them. However when it comes to draw of the weapons themselves, or even less so reloading them, the practical implications of these bags becomes zero. Another differing aspect of the majority of these bags made for concealed carry is their clearly militarized “tactical” design.

Rating: 4, Type: Блоґ, Views: 616 , Comments: 44

Remington Defense 2020 Digital Optic System

| Rifles , Technology, Gun Accessories | Author: Web admin

Remington Defense 2020 Digital Optic SystemRemington Defense 2020 Digital Optic System

Remington introduced the previously announced 2020 Digital Optic System, created in collaboration with TrackingPoint, the manufacturer of the XactSystem.

The Remington 2020 Digital Optic System is an integrated shooting system that includes a selection of hand-picked rifles, matched ammunition, digital optics and target-tracking technology.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 325 , Comments: 4

Chiappa X-Caliber

| Gun Accessories, Learning | Author: Web admin

X-Caliber  X-Caliber

The X-Caliber caliber conversion system for shotguns is not exactly new to those who closely followed the American market in the past months.

It was originally conceived by Tim Ralston at Gear Up Center, and originally announced early on in 2013.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 984 , Comments: 5

CoolCop: Body Armor Air Conditioning

| Technology, Gun Accessories | Author: Web admin

Body Armor Air ConditioningBody Armor Air Conditioning

Another great idea that’s spoiled by being far too dorky, the CoolCop is a personal air conditioner for the gendarme-on-the-go.

A tube hooks up to the car’s air-con vent and pumps cool air into a vinyl undervest.

Rating: 0, Type: Блоґ, Views: 364 , Comments: 2

Auto-locking holster Rescomp CR Secure 2

| Gun Accessories | Author: Web admin

Auto-locking holster Rescomp CR Secure 2Auto-locking holster Rescomp CR Secure 2

Rescomp Handgun Technologies – headquarted in Pretoria, Republic of South Africa – announce the new CR SECURE 2 high-pressure, injection-molded glass-filled nylon, auto-locking duty holster, providing enhanced retention albeit allowing immediate access to the handgun by the user.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 247