Leninska Kuznya Plant is to export and import weapons

| Politics & Guns, Military Weapons | Author: Web admin

Leninska Kuznya Plant Leninska Kuznya Plant

Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine plans to grant PJSC Leninska Kuznya Plant a right to export and import military goods. Government plans to consider the respective decree during the next meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on December, 28.

According to a Government draft decree, it is proposed to grant a company a right to export and import in-house military goods till June, 1 2018.

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President Poroshenko's response to an e-petition "To Formalize in Legislation the Right of Citizens of Ukraine to Self-Defence"

| Handguns Legalization , Politics & Guns, Legal & Law Issues | Author: Web admin

Administration of the President of UkraineAdministration of the President of Ukraine

 President of Ukraine's response
to an e-petition No. 22/000040-ep

Concerning formalization of a citizen of Ukraine's right to freely bear firearms and immediate adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On Civil Firearms and Ammunition" (Reg. № 1135-1 from February 5, 2015), posted on the website of an Official Internet Representation of the President of Ukraine on August 29 2015 by Georgiy Uchaykin, Chairman of Supervisory Board of Ukrainian Gun Owners Association.

Rating: 7, Type: Блоґ, Views: 204 , Comments: 39

Draft bill in parliament suggests relaxing rules for gun ownership in Ukraine

| Self-defense, Politics & Guns, Legal & Law Issues | Author: Web admin

A new draft bill filed to parliament this month suggests relaxing rules for civilian ownership of guns in UkraineA new draft bill filed to parliament this month suggests relaxing rules for civilian ownership of guns in Ukraine

There is a growing move in Ukraine's new parliament to relax rules on gun ownership in Ukraine, and even allow license-free ownership of some types of weapons.

A draft bill suggesting new rules of ownership was filed to parliament on Dec. 10 by a cross-faction group of 31 deputies.

Rating: 7, Type: Блоґ, Views: 1707 , Comments: 105

Ukrainian Gun Owners Association’s official statement

| Self-defense, Politics & Guns, Legal & Law Issues | Author: Web admin

Constitution of UkraineConstitution of Ukraine

Today every citizen of Ukraine understands why our country has hundreds of thousands of policemen. Last illusions were crushed when riot police used rubber batons and boots at the Independence Square on peaceful citizens.

After such actions we realize that it is not enough to only adopt the Gun Law.

Rating: 3, Type: Блоґ, Views: 17120 , Comments: 48

New Los Angeles Law Would Require All Toy, BB and Airguns to be Painted

| Politics & Guns | Author: Web admin

 New Los Angeles Law Would Require All Toy, BB and Airguns to be PaintedNew Los Angeles Law Would Require All Toy, BB and Airguns to be Painted

According to CBS, a proposed ordinance in Los Angeles would require that all toy, BB and other air guns to be painted completely in a color that denotes them as being toys. This goes above and beyond the current regulations that require toy guns to have an orange painted tip.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 166 , Comments: 1

Film Studios Say New York Gun Law May Ban Props

| Politics & Guns | Author: Web admin

Film Studios Say New York Gun Law May Ban PropsFilm Studios Say New York Gun Law May Ban Props

 Some New Yorkers whose livelihoods depend on the film industry are worried that lawmakers are not taking the issue seriously enough, and are not comforted by general reassurances from politicians.

Rating: 0, Type: Блоґ, Views: 177

CDC Study Ordered by Obama Contradicts White House Anti-gun Narrative

| Facts, Statistics and Analytics, Politics & Guns | Author: Web admin

CDC Study Ordered by Obama Contradicts White House Anti-gun Narrative CDC Study Ordered by Obama Contradicts White House Anti-gun Narrative

In January, following the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, President Obama issued a “Presidential Memorandum directing the Centers for Disease Control to research the causes and prevention of gun violence,” along with 22 other “initiatives.” That study, subcontracted out to the Institute of Medicine and National Research Council, was completed in June and contained some surprises for the president.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 153 , Comments: 4

Toy Gun March in Washington, D.C. Scheduled for July 3rd

| Politics & Guns, Abroad , Other Guns | Author: Web admin

Toy Gun MarchToy Gun March

Last week, Austin Petersen, creator of the Toy Gun March, received approval from a board of 30 federal officers to move forward with the “armed” march scheduled for July 3 in Washington, D.C.

The march will be at 9 a.m., starting at the Arlington Memorial Bridge and ending at the National Mall. Marshals will also be present to direct traffic and ensure safety.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 185 , Comments: 2

Teen Suspended for Shooting Classmates…with Hands

| Politics & Guns, Abroad , Unusual and Specific Purpose Guns | Author: Web admin

"Lethal Weapon"

As gun sensitivity reaches an all-time high in America, the newest observable example comes from a teen suspended for pretending to shoot at students…with his hand.

14-year-old Hunter Lance of Marysville, Washington is accused of walking through the hallways of Marysville Middle School using his hand as a mock gun, pretending to shoot at students. His feigned firing incident took place May 31st, but is only now making headlines.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 232 , Comments: 7

Queens dad who let daughter use pellet gun at park arrested

| Страйкбол, Politics & Guns, Learning | Author: Web admin

Zbigniew (Jack) PawlowskiZbigniew (Jack) Pawlowski

Zbigniew (Jack) Pawlowski took his two children and a pellet gun to Ditmars Park in Astoria. After firing at a tree, he allowed his daughter to ride her bike around the park, aiming the weapon at 2-year-olds.

He was charged with reckless endangerment, endangering the welfare of a child and resisting arrest.

Rating: 3, Type: Блоґ, Views: 305 , Comments: 2

US government orders removal of Defcad 3D-gun designs

| Politics & Guns, Technology | Author: Web admin

Liberator Liberator

The US government has demanded designs for a 3D-printed gun be taken offline. The order to remove the blueprints for the plastic gun comes after they were downloaded more than 100,000 times.

The US State Department wrote to the gun's designer, Defense Distributed, suggesting publishing them online may breach arms-control regulations.

Rating: 2, Type: Блоґ, Views: 173 , Comments: 2

Colorado Town Mulls Mandatory Sporting Rifle Ownership as Sheriffs Dig in Heels against Recently-Passed Gun Control

| Rifles , Abroad , Politics & Guns | Author: Olga Guseinova

Colorado Town Mulls Mandatory Sporting Rifle OwnershipColorado Town Mulls Mandatory Sporting Rifle Ownership

The Craig, Colorado city council is currently debating a bill that would require every household to own a “modern sporting rifle,” specifically any semi-automatic centerfire rifle that accepts detachable magazines. 

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 168 , Comments: 2