Why I Favor a Complete Ban on ‘Aquatic Deathtraps’ aka Swimming Pools

| Politics & Guns, Abroad | Author: Web admin

Real ADTReal ADT

Our fearless leader in the White House, President Barack Hussein Obama believes we must do everything in our power to save lives, even if it involves stripping law-abiding citizens of their private property or infringing upon their constitutionally guaranteed rights.

In a gun-control stump speech in Minnesota last month, the president explained why we must be prepared to give up our freedom to save lives.

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Want to Buy a Gun Without a Background Check? Armslist Can Help

| Politics & Guns, Illegal Guns, Criminal Incedents | Author: Web admin

The Armslist logoThe Armslist logo

In 2007, US Air Force Academy graduate Jon Gibbon saw a television interview about Craigslist that got him thinking. The online classifieds site had decided to reject ads for firearms, and Gibbon thought he had spotted an opportunity.

"When I heard them say that they decided to ban all gun-related ads because a few users cried out for it, it inspired me to create a place for law-abiding gun owners to buy and sell online without all of the hassles of auctions and shipping," he told Human Events in 2010.

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Bruce Willis: Don’t Mess With the Second Amendment

| Politics & Guns, Abroad | Author: Web admin

Bruce WillisBruce Willis

Hollywood legend Bruce Willis has a message for those who’ve suggested changes be made to the Second Amendment: Don’t infringe on my rights.

“I think that you can’t start to pick apart anything out of the Bill of Rights without thinking that it’s all going to become undone,” Willis told The Associated Press while promoting his latest action extravaganza, “A Good Day to Die Hard.”

“If you take one out or change one law, then why wouldn’t they take all your rights away from you?” he asked.

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Sandy Hook Victim’s Father Speaks Out Passionately Against Gun Control (VIDEO)

| Politics & Guns | Author: Web admin


Father of a Sandy Hook victim Mark Mattioli appeared before a gun violence task force in the Connecticut legislature today.

Giving an impassioned speech that led to a standing ovation, Mattioli pleaded that there are currently enough gun laws in existence as is and better enforcement of those laws are needed.

Mattioli also stressed the importance of personal responsibility which has rarely been brought up in the debate.

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Bill called 'toughest gun control package in the nation' passed by New York Senate

| Politics & Guns, Abroad | Author: Web admin

NY Safe actNY Safe act

ALBANY, N.Y. – Days after calling for an overhaul of gun control in New York following the Connecticut school shooting, Gov. Andrew Cuomo worked out a tough proposal on gun control with legislative leaders who promised to pass the most restrictive gun law in the nation.

The measure passed the Senate 43-18 on the strength of support from Democrats, many of whom previously sponsored the bills that were once blocked by Republicans. The Democrat-led Assembly gaveled out before midnight and planned to take the issue up at 10 a.m. Tuesday. It is expected to pass easily.

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Marine Writes Letter to Sen. Dianne Feinstein: ‘I will not be disarmed’

| Politics & Guns | Author: Web admin

"You ma’am have overstepped a line"

A letter written by an 8-year Marine veteran to U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, the architect of the comprehensive 2013 Assault Weapons Ban, has gone viral.

The author of the letter, Cpl. Joshua Boston who was deployed to Afghanistan between 2004-05, told CNN that he opposes gun registration because it will lead to confiscation. Moreover, that passing more gun control laws will only serve to disarm law-abiding citizens, leaving them defenseless.

“I own the guns I own because I acknowledge mankind’s shortcomings instead of pretending like they don’t exist. There are evil men in this world and there just may be a time when I need to do the unthinkable to protect me or my family,” Boston said.

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Map: Where are the Journal News employees in your neighborhood?

| Politics & Guns, Abroad | Author: Web admin

Janet Hasson, publisher, Journal NewsJanet Hasson, publisher, Journal News

The map indicates the addresses of all Journal News Employees in the New York Tri-State area.

Each dot represents an individual Journal News employee -- a reporter, editor or staffer.

The data does not include freelancers — reporters or photographers — which can be hired without being an employee.

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Texas teachers carry concealed guns

| Self-defense, Politics & Guns | Author: Web admin

School in HarroldSchool in Harrold

In the tiny Texas town of Harrold, children and their parents don't give much thought to safety at the community's lone school - mostly because some of the teachers are carrying concealed weapons.

In remote Harrold, the nearest sheriff's office is 30 minutes away, and people tend to know - and trust - one another. So the school board voted to let teachers bring guns to school.

"We don't have money for a security guard, but this is a better solution," Superintendent David Thweatt said. "A shooter could take out a guard or officer with a visible, holstered weapon, but our teachers have master's degrees, are older and have had extensive training. And their guns are hidden. We can protect our children."

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N.R.A. Envisions ‘a Good Guy With a Gun’ in Every School

| Politics & Guns, Abroad | Author: Web admin

Wayne LaPierre, the N.R.A. vice presidentWayne LaPierre, the N.R.A. vice president

WASHINGTON — After a weeklong silence, the National Rifle Association announced Friday that it wants to arm security officers at every school in the country. It pointed the finger at violent video games, the news media and lax law enforcement — not guns — as culprits in the recent rash of mass shootings.

“The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,” Wayne LaPierre, the N.R.A. vice president, said at a media event that was interrupted by protesters. One held up a banner saying, “N.R.A. Killing Our Kids.”

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5 Points that Need to Be Raised During the National Debate on Gun Control

| Self-defense, Politics & Guns, Terrorism | Author: Web admin

An “Assault” Weapons Ban is not the AnswerAn “Assault” Weapons Ban is not the Answer

Well, here we are, several days after one of the most horrific school shootings in America’s history.

A 20-year-old gunman walked into Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown CT and murdered 27 people, including 20 young children and seven women, before committing suicide.

An event like this is unthinkable. It epitomizes the word ‘tragedy.’ And both gun owners and gun-control activists agree that, as President Obama said in his speech last night before residents of that grief-stricken, New England town, “We can’t accept events like this as routine.”

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