SHOT Show 2016: American Derringer

| Handguns, Women & Guns, Self-defense | Author: Web admin

American DerringerAmerican Derringer

At SHOT Show 2016 held in Las Vegas, Elizabeth Saunders, American Derringer President told representatives of Ukrainian Gun Owners Association about company's new models.

One of the most interesting model is a LM4 Simmerling – a small non-automatic .45 pistol with a 4-round magazine. The company has a line of two-shot pistols in all popular calibers as well.

Rating: 7, Type: Блоґ, Views: 1012 , Comments: 7

SHOT Show 2016: Walther PPS M2

| Handguns | Author: Web admin

Walther PPS M2Walther PPS M2

At SHOT Show 2016 held in Las Vegas, Everett Deger, Walther Arms, Inc Director of Marketing told representatives of Ukrainian Gun Owners Association about a new model – Walther PPS M2.

Rating: 7, Type: Блоґ, Views: 671

How to buy the best concealed carry bag

| Handguns, Gun Accessories | Author: Станислав Янченко

Сумка для скрытого ношения оружия «9TACTICAL».Сумка для скрытого ношения оружия «9TACTICAL».

On the market there is a great amount of bags dedicated to the concealed carry of small firearms , but the problem with choosing one with a fast draw time still remains. Most of these bags fulfill their dedicated function of hiding firearms, primarily for transporting them. However when it comes to draw of the weapons themselves, or even less so reloading them, the practical implications of these bags becomes zero. Another differing aspect of the majority of these bags made for concealed carry is their clearly militarized “tactical” design.

Rating: 4, Type: Блоґ, Views: 616 , Comments: 44

Intruder Shot After Locking Resident in Closet… Where He Keeps His Guns

| Self-defense, Handguns, Criminal Incedents | Author: Web admin

Police of HoustonPolice of Houston

Three armed intruders broke into a home in Houston and after attacking the resident, locked him in an upstairs closet.

Only the intruders didn’t realize that the closet where they locked him was the same closet where he kept his guns, and when he emerged from the closet he shot one of the intruders.

Rating: 4, Type: Блоґ, Views: 590 , Comments: 4

Man Fined $1,000 for Saving Boy from Pit Bull Attack with Unregistered Gun

| Self-defense, Handguns | Author: Web admin


Officials have agreed not to file criminal charges against a Washington D.C. man who used his handgun to kill a pit bull in order to stop it from mauling a child.

Benjamin Srigley made an agreement with authorities last week which will require the 39-year-old to pay a $1,000 fine for the three unregistered firearms and ammunition that were found in his possession the day he saved Jayeon Smith from three unleashed pit bulls. During the attack, Srigley used his Ruger 9mm pistol to shoot at the animals that left Jayeon with scars on his elbow, torso and leg.

“In our recent memory this is a unique charge because of the unusual circumstances of this case,” said Ted Gest a spokesman for the office of the attorney general.

Rating: 3, Type: Блоґ, Views: 741 , Comments: 2

Iver Johnson 1911A1 Carbine

| Technology, Handguns | Author: Web admin

 1911A1 Carbine1911A1 Carbine

The Iver Johnson 1911A1 Carbine is a new rifle that appears to mate a 1911 pistol to a AR-style rifle.

It is chambered for the .45 ACP cartridge and looks like it retains all of the normal 1911 controls, grip safety and more.

Rating: 2, Type: Блоґ, Views: 1778

Mossberg 715P Duck Commander

| Handguns | Author: Web admin

Mossberg 715P Duck CommanderMossberg 715P Duck Commander

Introduced by Mossberg at the 2014 SHOT Show as one of the products developed as part of the Duck Commander series, this fun .22 Long Rifle, AR-15 based pistol is lightweight, easy to shoot, and perfect for small game, plinking, target shooting – or clearing cottonmouths out of your duck blind.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 1825