In a case of UGOA versus Ministry of Internal Affairs, Court rules in favor UGOA

| Legal & Law Issues, Handguns | Author: Web admin

Court ruled in favor of UGOA in a case versus Ministry of Internal AffairsCourt ruled in favor of UGOA in a case versus Ministry of Internal Affairs

Last September Zoryan Shkiryak, Advisor to the Minister of Internal Affairs expressed his opinion on legislative adjustment of weapons turnover in Ukraine: “it’s not a good time”, he said.

When reporters asked him about a gun on his hip, Mr. Shirkyak said that “it’s an "award weapon", which he carries openly in all places, where he feels his life is in danger”.

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SHOT Show 2016: Large caliber guns from Freedom Arms

| Handguns | Author: Web admin

Large caliber revolver from Freedom ArmsLarge caliber revolver from Freedom Arms

Large caliber guns from Freedom Arms At SHOT Show 2016 held in Las Vegas, Robert “Bob” Baker, Freedom Arms President told representatives of Ukrainian Gun Owners Association about some large caliber guns manufactured by his company.

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SHOT Show 2016: Walther PPS M2

| Handguns | Author: Web admin

Walther PPS M2Walther PPS M2

At SHOT Show 2016 held in Las Vegas, Everett Deger, Walther Arms, Inc Director of Marketing told representatives of Ukrainian Gun Owners Association about a new model – Walther PPS M2.

Rating: 7, Type: Блоґ, Views: 671

SHOT Show 2016: American Derringer

| Handguns, Women & Guns, Self-defense | Author: Web admin

American DerringerAmerican Derringer

At SHOT Show 2016 held in Las Vegas, Elizabeth Saunders, American Derringer President told representatives of Ukrainian Gun Owners Association about company's new models.

One of the most interesting model is a LM4 Simmerling – a small non-automatic .45 pistol with a 4-round magazine. The company has a line of two-shot pistols in all popular calibers as well.

Rating: 7, Type: Блоґ, Views: 1012 , Comments: 7

How to buy the best concealed carry bag

| Handguns, Gun Accessories | Author: Станислав Янченко

Сумка для скрытого ношения оружия «9TACTICAL».Сумка для скрытого ношения оружия «9TACTICAL».

On the market there is a great amount of bags dedicated to the concealed carry of small firearms , but the problem with choosing one with a fast draw time still remains. Most of these bags fulfill their dedicated function of hiding firearms, primarily for transporting them. However when it comes to draw of the weapons themselves, or even less so reloading them, the practical implications of these bags becomes zero. Another differing aspect of the majority of these bags made for concealed carry is their clearly militarized “tactical” design.

Rating: 4, Type: Блоґ, Views: 616 , Comments: 44

CZ P-09 semi-automatic pistol

| Handguns | Author: Web admin

CZ P-09   CZ P-09

That's not exactly a new product: the first prototypes were photographed by the end of 2012, and were showcased to public eyes in several trade shows by CZ all throughout the year 2013.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 604 , Comments: 5

Magnum Research "Desert Eagle"

| Handguns, Hunting, Competitions | Author: Web admin

Desert EagleDesert Eagle

Despite having been − and being currently − manufactured by IMI - Israel Military Industries (today known as IWI - Israel Weapon Industries Ltd.) for economic reasons, the "Desert Eagle" pistol is a quintessentially American gun, having been first conceived by Magnum Research Inc. engineers in Pillager (Minnesota) at the beginning of the 1980s.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 664 , Comments: 8