Smith & Wesson Performance Center 686

| Handguns | Author: Web admin

Smith & Wesson Performance Center 686Smith & Wesson Performance Center 686

The .357 Magnum caliber was born at Smith & Wesson's in the 1930s, and its fate has been intertwined to the Smith & Wesson firearms ever since.

Despite having been used by so many legendary revolvers released during the years by other competitors (eg. the Colt Python), no other revolver has been more quintessential as a .357 Magnum than the Smith & Wesson Model 686.

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Smith & Wesson 929 Jerry Miculek

| Handguns, Competitions | Author: Web admin

Smith & Wesson M-929Smith & Wesson M-929

Built to the specifications of Smith & Wesson Champion Jerry Miculek, the Model 929 is a high-tuned 8-shot 9mm revolver developed specifically to suit the needs of competitive shooting, as many shooters – particularly in Europe – are abandoning revolver specialties in IPSC shooting as they can hardly find a fitting tool for the trade.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 822

KRISS Arms Vector CRB "Enhanced"

| Handguns, Technology | Author: Web admin

SBR EnhancedSBR Enhanced

The mainstay product of the Swiss-based KRISS International Arms Group is the "Vector" sub-machinegun, originally developed by the earlier incarnation of the company (Gamma Recherches, S.A.) along with US-based TDI - Transformational Defense Industries, Inc. − which is now the US-based KRISS Arms Group branch.

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SDP Alpha, line of semi-automatic defensive pistols

| Handguns | Author: Web admin

Sphinx SDP AlphaSphinx SDP Alpha

Sphinx Systems – a Swiss company that's been part of the Kriss Arms Group for some time now – has finally established the SDP line of semi-automatic defensive pistols as the mainstay of its production.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 135 , Comments: 5

Mossberg 715P Duck Commander

| Handguns | Author: Web admin

Mossberg 715P Duck CommanderMossberg 715P Duck Commander

Introduced by Mossberg at the 2014 SHOT Show as one of the products developed as part of the Duck Commander series, this fun .22 Long Rifle, AR-15 based pistol is lightweight, easy to shoot, and perfect for small game, plinking, target shooting – or clearing cottonmouths out of your duck blind.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 1825

Colt Mustang XSP

| Handguns | Author: Web admin

New from Colt: Mustang XSP, subcompact semiautomatic handgun with a 6-round magazine capacityNew from Colt: Mustang XSP, subcompact semiautomatic handgun with a 6-round magazine capacity

Colt’s Manufacturing Company introduces the polymer framed Mustang XSP at this year’s SHOT Show.

A subcompact semiautomatic handgun with a 6-round magazine capacity meant for comfortable concealed carry, the XSP is built using a black polymer grip frame and a blackened stainless steel slide and barrel, is chambered for the popular .380 Auto and features a 2.75” barrel.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 200 , Comments: 5

Taurus 85 View

| Handguns, Technology, Self-defense | Author: Web admin

Taurus 85 ViewTaurus 85 View

Forjas Taurus, the famous Brazilian gunmaking company, will start in 2014 the marketing of the Taurus 85 View compact double-action-only revolver.

The Taurus 85 View revolver sports a .38 Special chambering, with a five-shots titanium cylinder, an aluminium frame, and a titanium barrel.

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 745 , Comments: 3

Man Fined $1,000 for Saving Boy from Pit Bull Attack with Unregistered Gun

| Self-defense, Handguns | Author: Web admin


Officials have agreed not to file criminal charges against a Washington D.C. man who used his handgun to kill a pit bull in order to stop it from mauling a child.

Benjamin Srigley made an agreement with authorities last week which will require the 39-year-old to pay a $1,000 fine for the three unregistered firearms and ammunition that were found in his possession the day he saved Jayeon Smith from three unleashed pit bulls. During the attack, Srigley used his Ruger 9mm pistol to shoot at the animals that left Jayeon with scars on his elbow, torso and leg.

“In our recent memory this is a unique charge because of the unusual circumstances of this case,” said Ted Gest a spokesman for the office of the attorney general.

Rating: 3, Type: Блоґ, Views: 741 , Comments: 2

Intruder Shot After Locking Resident in Closet… Where He Keeps His Guns

| Self-defense, Handguns, Criminal Incedents | Author: Web admin

Police of HoustonPolice of Houston

Three armed intruders broke into a home in Houston and after attacking the resident, locked him in an upstairs closet.

Only the intruders didn’t realize that the closet where they locked him was the same closet where he kept his guns, and when he emerged from the closet he shot one of the intruders.

Rating: 4, Type: Блоґ, Views: 590 , Comments: 4

Iver Johnson 1911A1 Carbine

| Technology, Handguns | Author: Web admin

 1911A1 Carbine1911A1 Carbine

The Iver Johnson 1911A1 Carbine is a new rifle that appears to mate a 1911 pistol to a AR-style rifle.

It is chambered for the .45 ACP cartridge and looks like it retains all of the normal 1911 controls, grip safety and more.

Rating: 2, Type: Блоґ, Views: 1778

The Revolver Camera: Oddity or oddly familiar?

| Abroad , Handguns, Gun Accessories | Author: Olga Guseinova

retro camera-gunretro camera-gun

Pull the trigger. Snap a picture. The revolver camera is old, but not as odd as one might think. It may even seem weird and potentially even a little morbid. 

Theoretically, the shooter could capture a photo of the target at the moment of impact. But is this technology really as odd and antiquated as it appears, or simply a design a half-century ahead of its time?

Rating: 1, Type: Блоґ, Views: 368

Smith & Wesson 625JM: ‘A jewel of a revolver’

| Handguns | Author: Web admin

Smith & Wesson 625JMSmith & Wesson 625JM

During WWI the U.S. did not have enough Colt 1911 pistols to go around, so Smith & Wesson and Colt retooled their revolver production to fill the .45 ACP gap in the military’s arsenal. In turn both companies produced M1917 revolvers.

It was a viable solution at the time and while it may not be in high demand today — a revolver to fire semi-auto ammo — Smith & Wesson continues to make .45 ACP revolvers for their loyal fans.

Rating: 0, Type: Блоґ, Views: 1020 , Comments: 4